Air Heads

2012 (10)
Kites: T5 by Airdynamics  / Pilots: Peter Taylor, Keith Griffiths, Virginia Griffiths, Doug Irvine /
Ballet music: Bring me to Life by Evanescence 


2002 (8), 2003 (7), 2004 (11)
Kites: Matrix by Carl Robertshaw / Pilots: Barry Savell, Fran Burstall, Zoe Hancock, Ewan Russell /
Ballet music: March of the Toreadors, Bizet

2005 (13), 2006 (9)
Kites: Fury by Carl Robertshaw / Pilots: Barry Savell, Fran Burstall, Alex Savell /
Ballet music: Feeling Good, Muse

2008 (8), 2010 (7)
Kites: Fury by Carl Robertshaw / Pilots: Barry Savell, Fran Burstall, Tony Shiggins, Alex Savell /
Ballet music: City of Delusion, Muse

2012 (7)
Kites: Fury by Carl Robertshaw / Pilots: Barry Savell, Fran Burstall, Tony Shiggins
Ballet music: Feeling Good, Muse

Matrix Management

2002 (10), 2003 (6), 2004 (13), 2006 (12)
Kites: Matrix by Carl Robertshaw / Pilots: Doug Irvine, Doug Manners, Tony Shiggins

Scratch Bunnies

2003 (5)
Kites: Matrix by Carl Robertshaw / Pilots: David Morley, Richard Pellew, Robin Smith /
Ballet music: On Her Majasty’s Secret Service, Propellerheads

2004 (9)
Kites: Fury by Carl Robertshaw / Pilots: David Morley, Robin Smith, Sasha Reading  /
Ballet music: On Her Majasty’s Secret Service, Propellerheads

2005 (12)
Kites: Fury by Carl Robertshaw / Pilots: David Morley, Richard Pellew, Robin Smith  /
Ballet music: Hysteria, Muse

2008 (5)
Kites: Fury by Carl Robertshaw / Pilots: David Morley, Richard Pellew, Chris Goff, Carl Robertshaw, Robin Smith, Sasha Reading  /
Ballet music: “O Verona”

2010 (1)
Kites: Fury by Carl Robertshaw / Pilots: David Morley, Richard Pellew, Chris Goff, Carl Robertshaw, Sasha Reading, James Robertshaw  /
Ballet music: “Unbeatable”

2012 (1)
Kites: Fury by Carl Robertshaw / Pilots: David Morley, Chris Goff, Carl Robertshaw, James Robertshaw  /
Ballet music: “Machine Gun”